ATA Glance - February 2006

Welcome to the pre-convention issue of ATA Glance Online. Thanks for visiting the website and reading these articles. If you are a return visitor, hopefully you're making this a habit.

Local #38 now publishes the newsletter completely on the website. We mailed a summary of ATA Glance to your school's CSR representatives, and we suggested they distribute it to teaching staff by whatever means they deemed best for your school.

We hope you enjoy the stories and columns listed to the left. And be sure to let us know what you think! And maybe you'd like to contribute.

We'd love you to write a Letter to the Editor commenting on an article. Or maybe you'd like to write an article yourself! Please tell other teachers about happenings in your school, educational issues you care about, and points of view on the state of the profession these days. Email the ATA Glance Editor, Shannon Montgomery, at with ideas you might have.

There's an amazing amount of interesting activities and personalities in our Local #38 membership. Let's hear all about them!

For this issue, here are the articles for you to enjoy.

Local #38 President Larry Liffiton reports that a recent Local President's meeting resulted in PEC being urged to address the Teachers' Retirement Fund Unfunded Liability issue with the provincial government immediately. The Presidents suggested Ontario's "framework agreement" approach might work here too.

Executive Assistant Dick Hehr
tells you about collective agreement grievances. What are they, and when are they needed? Which kinds work and which kinds don't. Would you be a troublemaker by exercising this right?

Elementary Representative Erin Warburton tells us how a colleague's frustration at receiving a challenging student into her already too large class led her to recognize the Infinite Wealth in Calgary Public schools.

Rob Zoppi visited Jack James High school recently, and discovered a place where students are provided opportunities to excel academically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.

The annual Mayor's Excellence Awards Luncheon was held recently to recognize and celebrate the efforts of business and education working together to improve the quality of public education in our community.

Did you know that the Glenbow Museum in Calgary is currently debating whether or not to close the Military History floor at the museum? Anna-Marie Fuller enlists your help in saving this exhibition.

Dave Whiteside and Woodlands School staff had the honour of being the first school staff to participate in the Days of Caring Campaign sponsored by the United Way and ATA Local 38.

Richard Sherry and several members of ATA Local 38's Executive Committee, also served up lunch for 800 clients at the Drop In Centre, to provide some Help For Those That Need Some

Communications Committee Chair Richard Sherry talks about the new Local 38 website that he'd like you to come see while at Convention, and about the ATA TNET portal that is being rolled out.

Have a comment about this issue? Want to write a letter to the editor or maybe an article yourself? Contact to find out more.

© February 2006, ATA Local #38 Calgary Public Teachers