Public Schools Build Communities

Take action to support public education

You can support public education in your community by taking a few simple steps:

  1. Email your MLA to ask for more support for public schools in your community. This means more teachers, smaller classes, more education assistants, and more access to resource teachers too.  Even better than email: phone or meet them in person. Click here to find out who to contact.

  2. Go one step higher.  Email the Education Minister. Click here.

  3. Join a parent council at your local public school. We need community leaders, fundraisers and field trip volunteers.  

  4. Share information on Social media. Love your local school? Then let it show! Celebrate all the work your child has done or the events happening at your public school!

  5. Find a parent advocacy group or join a political party.  Become an active lobbyist for your own child!  Make sure the needs of all children are met.

THANK YOU for your engagement!