March Pre-Retirement Seminar

By Heather Nwaerondu, Communications Committee

On Saturday, March 12, 2005, ATA Local #38 sponsored a Teachers’ Retirement Seminar at the Glenmore Inn, and drew the largest attendance ever!  After a second order of muffins arrived (teachers sure enjoy eating!), the meeting commenced with our President, Larry Liffiton, welcoming everyone and introducing Lois Marchand, V.P. of the Calgary Retired Teacher’s Association.  Her advice to all potential retirees was “Do what you have always dreamed of doing.  Do not put off what you can do today and keep your mind and body active.”

Altaz Shivji, Manager of Total Compensation, led us through a power point presentation addressing the Retired Employees’ Benefit Package, and answered many questions with great skill.  Joan Wood, Pension Counselor for the Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund (ATRF), advised us to remember at least one thing from her information, “Pick up the phone and ask any question you may have.  There are three pension counselors in the office that are able to assist you.”  Interested in calculating your own pension?  Go to their website: and follow the links.

Christopher Thomas, Barrister and Solicitor, spoke about Estates, Taxes, Wills and Estate Planning, addressing the question, what happens to my estate after I die?  Capital gains are taxable and are measured from an adjusted cost base.  Mr. Thomas spoke extensively and was very knowledgeable on this subject.

Calgary Capital Estate Planning Corp. works with teachers as retirement investment coaches.  Their manager, Shane O’Bryan, spoke on Retirement Income options and stated, “It is important to plan.  Don’t put off learning about money.”

Overall, it was a very informative seminar.  As one teacher at my table said, ”This was good, but it’s like information overload.  I have to go home and make a lot of decisions!”