Lines of Communication

By Richard Sherry, Communications Committee Chair

Some terrific new tools are becoming available through the ATA's TNET project. And while they won't improve prospects for world peace, they will offer Calgary Public Teachers an opportunity to find new resources and to communicate better with peers. Local 38's first step is the impending launch of our new website.

The first new thing that you'll have to get used to is some new terminology. A key word that will pop up repeatedly is “portal.” A web portal is a doorway, or entryway, into something much more than a mere website. Our website, along with provincial ATA's website, will be an entryway into many applications teachers and ATA subgroups will find very useful.

For example, the TNET portal will allow you to directly access Barnett House's professional resources library. You'll be able to go online, log in, and then search for books or articles based on topics, authors, or key words. Then you'll be able to request the book that, if available, will wing its way to you forthwith.

Another handy feature will be the profile feature. After getting a user name and password you'll be asked to update your profile. What's your division? Specialty? What ATA subgroups to you participate in? Based on the information you provide certain educational news stories might appear, or we'll be able to contact you directly with professional development offers honed to who you are as a professional.

The first step in the rollout of the TNET portal is the new Local 38 website. A first draft of the website will be on display at the Local 38 booth during Teachers' Convention. Please drop by to take a look and let us know what you think.

We're asking you to take a few minutes and fill in a form that will tell us your comments and suggestions about the current website - this one - and the new website. And thee will even be a draw for some nifty ATA swag! See you at convention.

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© February 2006, ATA Local #38 Calgary Public Teachers