Absence Process

  1. The employee contacts the substitute management system (SmartFindExpress) or Absence Relief to inform of sick leave.


  2. An employee initiates sick leave when they are absent due to illness/medical appointments by calling their appropriate contact at the worksite.


  3. The appropriate contact at the worksite receives at telephone call / email from the employee to notify of sick leave, and the current duration of the leave as it is known.


  4. The employee submits a Certificate of Illness for absences greater than 5 working days to the EHRC. The employee should contact the principal / supervisor to inform them of their absence.


  5. The Health Advisor reviews the Certificate of Illness. A decision is made to determine if the Certificate is complete and appropriate.


  6. The Health Advisor places an initial call to the employee to:
    • Offer support and information, i.e. referral to a Specialist should EDB or LTD be required.
    • Introduce the CARES Program
    • Advise as to the requirements of the Certificate of Illness if it is not completed.
  7. The employee receives the telephone call from the EHRC and has the opportunity to ask any questions.


  8. The EHRC sends a memo describing sick leave and the employee obligations, a CARES brochure, and a Sick Leave Checklist to the employee when an absence is greater than 10 working days. A copy of the memo is sent to:
    • The Principal / Supervisor
    • Talent Management
    • Alberta School Employee Benefits Plan (ASEBP)
  9. The EHRC submits a status change request to the Employee Contact Centre (ECC).


  10. The ECC changes the status as requested from “active” to “sick leave with pay” (if available) where appropriate and the sick bank balance is adjusted.


  11. The employee makes a decision regarding participation in the CARES program and advises the Health Advisor.


  12. The Health Advisor sends a letter confirming their decision regarding their participation in the CARES Program. This letter is copied to the Principal / Supervisor.


  13. The Health Advisor manages the case, maintaining supportive contact with all employees as required. The EHRC will send the ECC status change requests should a sick leave be extended. The EHRC will send a memo confirming any extensions to the employee, copied to the Principal / Supervisor and Talent Management as required.


  14. The employee will maintain contact with the Health Advisor and school / service unit as required, and submit to the EHRC the subsequent medical Certificates to extend sick leave.

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